What is an online course?
It’s pretty simple!
An online course is a collection of videos that teach about a certain subject.
Anyone can create an online course about anything!
Why should you create one?
Great question! Here are 5 reasons you should create an online course:
1. Not super hard to create
Online courses are pretty simple to create with some guidance, of course — that’s where I come in!
2. Low start-up cost
You don’t have to spend much money to start an online course business. You need a platform to host your course, a way to accept payments, and a way to email your current and potential customers. That’s it (in the beginning)!
3. Impact more people
Your online course has the potential to help people all over the world! An online course teaches a skill and solves a problem. Whether you’re helping people knit sweaters or get out of debt, you’re making an impact.
4. Work from anywhere
An online course is just that — ONLINE! You can create and sell your course from anywhere in the world with an internet connection.
5. Potential to earn passive income
This is my favorite, and why I love online courses.
Let’s choose a topic!
Next, I want you to complete the following exercise to help you decide on a topic for your online course. On a piece of paper:
1. List all your hobbies, likes, and loves. What do you love to do? What do you like to do?
Examples include: decorating cookies, playing clarinet, herb gardening, teaching preschool, homeschooling your elementary child, RV life
2. Next, list everything you’re knowledgeable about and good at. Ask friends and family members to help!
Examples include: your job, making a budget for your family, meal prepping, giving speeches, parenting your tantrum-y toddler
3. Now, list any trials, adversities, and problems you’ve overcome. The problems could be big or small.
Examples include: going through divorce, getting out of debt, dealing with loss of a parent, successfully launching a YouTube channel with no startup money, overcoming anxiety through meditation
Look back at #1 and #2 for some inspiration on this one. For example, if you listed in #2 that you’re good at real estate, think about problems you have overcome with selling property.
4. It’s time to narrow down our list. Look at the ideas you’ve listed so far and ask yourself the following questions. If you answer “no” to any of these questions, cross out that idea.
- Will I enjoy talking about this for the next 5-10 years?
- Would I enjoy helping others with this topic?
- Do I have enough knowledge about this topic to teach others (or could I learn)?
- (If you listed ideas related to your current job) Will I want to stay in a job-related niche even if I plan to quit my job?
5. Look through the ideas that are remaining. Do any of them stand out? Excite you? Light you up? Circle these ideas. Then narrow it down to 3.
6. Do some research. Take these 3 topics and see if people are searching for them. Use sites like Google search, UberSuggest, Pinterest, and Quora to see what questions people are asking on this topic.
Are there experts in these niches? Do they have a successful business talking about this niche? If so, that’s a good thing! If people are searching for this niche and there are already experts in this niche, then you know this could be a profitable online course topic!
7. Finally, you need to JUST. CHOOSE. ONE. I know this is the hard part. But try to go with your gut here. Is there one topic that just REALLY excites you? That’s the one. Go all in!
So, what’s next?
Next, it’s time to start establishing yourself as the expert in that niche! Learn all you can, create a social media account, share valuable content, and make yourself known!