What is a 4-day work week?
A 4-day work week is exactly what it sounds like: only working 4 days a week! Typically, the 4-day work week is Monday-Thursday, but it can theoretically include any 4 days of the week.
Why I use a 4-day work week:
In 2019, I left my teaching job so I could stay home with my baby girl. I had to work to supplement our income, so I poured everything into creating my own business. With a lot of hard work and hustle, I successfully grew a multiple 6-figure business.
Anyone that has ever owned a business knows it’s hard to “leave work at the office” since your office is at home! I found myself working and thinking about work all the time.
That’s when I decided to implement a 4-day work week. I wanted a full, 3-day weekend with my family. It’s been such a game-changer!
Why you should consider it:
1. more happiness
The Henley Business School conducted a study of people who worked 4 days a week and found 78% of them were happier. It makes sense, right? Even people who love their job could use some time off.
2. less stress
The same study by Henley Business School found that 70% of the people surveyed were less stressed. This goes along with being happier! When you don’t have to constantly think about work, you’ll have more time to decompress and relax.
3. more productivity (actually get more done in less time)
According to a study by FMB Global, countries that implement a 4-day work week didn’t notice any decrease in productivity, and many showed an increase.
One might think that working fewer hours means less work. However, I know personally, how much time I used to waste during the day when I worked 5 days. I would stop and spend time on social media, or completing tasks that really didn’t matter.
When you change to the 4-day mindset, you are constantly reminded that you have to get the most important tasks done in 4 days. This really helped me prioritize my tasks and actually stay on task!
4. more time for what matters (family, hobbies, friends)
Americans work more hours and have fewer days off than any other country according to FMB Global.
That means less time for things outside of work: time with family and friends, hobbies, vacations, etc.
As I said above, people need time to stop thinking about work, decompress, and relax. It’s hard to do that when you’re constantly working!
5. redefined purpose
Many Americans are hardwired to glorify working hard and hustling nonstop. There’s nothing wrong with that for a little, but I honestly don’t think it’s beneficial long term.
Here’s what I had to realize: life isn’t about work. It isn’t about what you achieve financially or with your career.
For me, life is about the precious moments I spend with my family. It’s about using my time to serve others, not just earning money. It’s about so much more than work!
But…I don’t get to choose when I work…
I know what you’re thinking…you don’t have a choice when you work.
If you don’t work for yourself, then a 4-day work week may not be an option. That’s why I love owning my own business and choosing my own hours.
Being an entrepreneur may not be for everyone, but it certainly allows for more freedom and flexibility in your life.
My typical week:
Here’s what my typical 4-day work week looks like.
-morning yoga
-check email
-check data
-record any videos
-schedule social media
-check email
-coaching sessions
-send nurture email
-check email
–knock out BIG project for the week (varies from week to week)
-check email
-wrap up any projects from the week
-family time
-check email occasionally
A few disclaimers:
We have a toddler, so we work around her schedule as well. We are very blessed to have a great preschool she attends a few hours a week, as well as family members close by to help.