13 Pi Day Activities


Pi Day is one of my favorite days in the math classroom! I would plan fun activities for my students. We would also bring in circular food (pie of course, cookies, crackers) and snack while we worked. 

In this post, I’ve compiled 11 fun activities for 5th-12th grade. Click on the title or picture to go to the resource!

1. Pi Day Digital Resource: 3rd-6th grade


In this resource from MrsTech, students complete a series of digital, interactive activities. 

This digital resource is to use with Google Slides which will download as a PDF with a link to the Google Document. There are interactive activities to complete in small groups, or individually, as well as a 15 question webquest to learn more about Pi Day and how Pi came about.

2. Pi Day Measuring and Graph Activity: 5th-8th grade


This activity from Sixth Grade Teachers has a little of everything!

Students will measure the circumference and diameter of 5 round objects (supplied by the teacher or the students) and then calculate the ratio of circumference to diameter for each object.

Next, students will then analyze the digits of Pi by creating a tally chart and a histogram to represent the frequency of the first 50 digits of Pi. They will use the data and graph to identify patterns and draw conclusions about Pi.

Finally, students demonstrate their understanding of Pi by creating a song, poem, story, etc.

3. Pi Day City Activity: 5th-8th grade

In this activity from Try-Angle Math, students create a bar graph using the digits of pi.

Students can cut it out to create a circle cityscape called Pi City. This is an easy and fun mini-project for that assesses their graphing skills and allows them to be creative. 

4. Area and Circumference Riddle Activity: 6th-8th grade


In this riddle activity from Count On Me, students practice finding the area and circumference of a circle.

First, they solve each of the problems. Then, they will look for the answer in the answer box and write the letter that corresponds to the answer on the line at the bottom.

Once all of the questions are solved the answer to the riddle will be revealed. The answer matches even include distractors. Your students will have so much fun solving the riddle and always get a kick out of the solution. 

5. Pi Day Ordered Pair Graphing Activity: 6th-9th grade


In this activity from Math of the South, you will find the ordered pairs that will produce a Pi Day picture! The students will be required to graph ordered pairs in all four quadrants to produce the picture. They can color the picture for some awesome classroom decor!

Included in the product:

  • Instructions & Ordered Pairs
  •  Graph Paper
  •  Example

6. Pi Day Class Photo: 6th-12th grade


This fun activity from Math With Meaning can be used with any grade level!

Each student will hold up one of the digits of pi, and then you can put the photos together in a collage app or print them and hang them up end-to-end in your classroom or hallway!

Included in this resource:

  • The digits 0-9 along with a decimal point ready to be printed
  • A tracking sheet to keep track of which digits you’ve already photographed
  • Teacher directions
  • An example photograph

7. Discovering Pi Activity: 7th-10th grade


In this activity from my Teachers Pay Teachers store, students will discover the value of Pi through measuring.

Students measure the circumference and diameter of 8 circular objects. Then they divide the circumference by the diameter to discover Pi. I let students bring in circular objects from home (especially food!). Then we eat and have a class discussion afterwards.

For this activity you will need:

  • cloth measuring tape (I use these from Amazon)
  • circular objects

8. Circumference Scavenger Hunt: 7th-10th grade


This scavenger hunt from Shore Mathletics is a fun way for students to practice finding the circumference of a circle when given either the diameter or the radius.

There are two versions included. If you want your students to be able to give the exact answer (in terms of Pi) as well as an approximated answer (using 3.14 for Pi) then you will want to use the first version. If you want all answers approximated using 3.14 for Pi, then you will want to use the second version.

Students answer the questions you have hung around your classroom and then “hunt” for the correct letter on another sign. Students love to move around and will be more focused than you can imagine!

The activity is self checking. If all questions are answered correctly, each student should answer all 16 questions and end at the sign they started with.


  • 32 Scavenger Hunt Signs (16 with mixture of answers in terms of Pi and approximated using 3.14 for Pi and the other 16 are all approximated using 3.14 for Pi)
  • Student worksheet
  • Answer Key

9. Rational and Irrational Numbers Card Sort: 8th grade


In this card sort activity from Brooklyn’s Brightest, students will sort cards to decide which are rational and irrational.

Then, they will order the rational cards from least to greatest at their group.

The final step is calling each group of students to present their irrational cards to make sure the class agrees those are irrational. They will then tape their rational cards in order from least to greater on the board using tape.

Each group will follow this process until all the rational cards are in order number line style.

There are a total of 30 cards to sort in the beginning, with 19 being rational and 11 irrational.

10. Ordering Real Numbers Activity: 8th grade


In this activity from 8th Grade Math Teacher, Students are given 15 cards of real numbers to put in order from least to greatest.

The numbers are written as fractions, decimals, square roots, powers, pi, and in scientific notation. Once in order, students will turn the cards over to reveal the message “Happy Pi Day!”

You can have students work on this in groups or give one to 15 students and have them stand in order as the rest of the class helps them decide the right order.

Students could also put them on a number line, and when finished, they could decide which are rational and which are irrational. 

11. Pi Day Pennant Activity: 5th grade+


This pennant activity from Lauren Fulton is a low prep Pi Day activity that’s perfect for Grades 5 and up!

Students will get to string the first 30 (or more!) digits of Pi around the classroom. Each pennant contains a math prompt to answer, one digit of pi, and a unique background to color.

12.Pi Day Coordinate Plane Activity


Activity After Math created this awesome coordinate graphing mystery activity that’s perfect for Pi Day!

Students graph points on a coordinate plane and it creates a picture of the Pi Symbol with Happy Pi Day at the bottom!

The clever title of “Stop being so Irrational!” gives them a clue to what the picture will be. The points include ordered pairs from all four quadrants and decimals such as (1.5, -4.5) 

13. Circle Theorems Task Cards: 9th-11th grade


These circle theorems task cards from my Teachers Pay Teachers store are an interactive way for students to review all the circle properties. 


  • arc length
  • measures of angles/arcs involving central, inscribed, vertex inside, and vertex outside angles
  • tangent segments and a radius (Pythagorean Theorem)
  • segment lengths (two chords, two secants, secant & tangent)


  • 20 full page task cards
  • a student answer sheet
  • answer key

BONUS: Pi Day Decor! 8th-12th grade


This bulletin board set from Busy Miss Beebe is a great way to make sure your room is Pi Day ready! 

The download includes 8.5 x 11 inch pdf posters in both color and black & white for printing on color paper.

What’s included:

  • Vocabulary (words print two per page): circle, radius, chord, diameter, secant, tangent, semicircle, sector, arc, central angle, inscribed angle, inscribed polygon
  • Theorems: tangent theorems, chord theorems, inscribed angle theorems, inscribed quadrilaterals theorem
  • Formulas: angle measures (on, inside, outside), segment lengths (2 chords, 2 secants, secant & tangent), standard equation of a circle, arc length (in degrees and radians), area of sectors

BONUS #2: Pi Day Collaborative Poster


This activity by Rise over Run is a great way to celebrate Pi Day while working with circumference, area, and circle properties.

Students color the false statements and create a 27” by 35” collaborative poster that reads “Happy Pi day.”

16 pieces are provided with various statements about circles and pi. Students fill in the areas with false statements and leave the true statements white. Students can use markers, crayons, colored pencils, or highlighters. The color does not matter, so you can use whatever supplies you have available.

Answer key is included.

I hope you were able to find an awesome activity for Pi Day! Let me know in the comments. 

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Lindsay is a former high school math teacher turned full time online biz owner. She has earned over $1.6M in revenue from selling her own digital products.

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